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ADA Liquid fertilizer

Concept of liquid plant food in the Nature Aquarium

The growing of healthy and beautiful aquarium plants is an essential part of any Nature Aquarium. In the time prior to the now well-known Nature Aquarium style, it was difficult to aquarium plants grow successfully. Hobbyists had difficulty with the long-term care of plants in the aquarium. Some of the factors which made it possible for healthy, lush plant growth to obtain in the early days, was due to the presence of Power Sand (substrate, additions) and the Green Brighty Series (liquid plant food). With, in addition, sufficient lighting and CO2 fertilization. Power Sand contains many advantages, of which the source of nutrients for plants is the most important. Power Sand, substrate addition, as a bottom layer on the bottom is spread, is rich in organic and inorganic nutrients. With Power Sand can aquarium plants even grow on a substrate that consists of sand or gravel that is no nutrients.

In the meantime, the plants that their leaves under water develop not only nutrition via the roots, but also through the surface of their leaves. This provides for Green Brighty Series the plants in the aquarium of nutrients. The basic concept of liquid fertilizers in the Nature Aquarium to have enough nutrients to be supplied over the substrate. Nitrogen and phosphate are mainly due to the substrate is provided, consisting of Power Sand and Aqua Soil. Potassium and trace elements (minerals), where a deficit arises in a planted aquarium, be added with liquid plant food. When the presence of nitrogen in the substrate is reduced or there are more trace elements (especially iron) needed by the aging of the aquarium, you can use liquid fertilizers are supplemented. The add of spent nutrients is also beneficial in the prevention of algae, because the aquarium plants impetus to the uptake of nitrogen and phosphate, which algae can trigger. Add liquid plant food is effective for a good health of aquarium plants as well as maintaining a beautiful aquascape.

ADA Liquid fertilizers

Choice of liquid Kaliumbemesting, based on water quality

Nitrogen (N), Phosphate (P) and Potassium (K) are for aquarium plants in relatively large quantities are required, in comparison with other vital nutrients. They play a significant role for plant growth. Of these three nutrients of nitrogen and phosphate rarely a shortage in a Nature Aquarium, because it is from the substrate, consisting of Power Sand and Aqua Soil, are present, and also by vissenpoep and not eaten fish food. The third essential nutrient is often a chronic shortage. The lack of Potassium can be counteracted by Brighty K to add. By Potassium to add will plants more Nitrogen and Phosphate, making algae less chance.

Nevertheless, it is Brighty K is an alkaline fertilizer, which causes the pH and carbonate hardness (KH) directly increase after administration of this product. Some aquarium plants (such as stengelplanten from South America) to grow less well in aquarium water with a high pH and KH that is caused by Brighty K. It may also be that the tap water is already alkaline and is therefore unsuitable for combining with Brighty K. As a solution to this problem is Green Brighty Neutral K developed. As the name suggests, this product is neutral and the pH and KH of the water does not affect. When the tap water is alkaline, Aqua Soil can be used and during a water change Aqua Conditioner Soft Water is added, and for Kaliumbemesting the Green Brighty Neutral K be used. This approach helps for healthy growth of many aquarium plants that are soft, acid water preferred.

Meanwhile, Green Brighty K, as an additional feature to the buffering capacity of water, thus a decrease in pH is prevented. Some plants such as Hemianthus micranthemoides don't grow well if the pH/KH is low. Brighty K is more suitable than Green Brighty Neutral K in cases where the KH of the tap water is too low. Choose Brighty K or Green Brighty Neutral K on the basis of the values of the tap water and the aquarium plants. The new Brighty K has a different composition and no longer has the property to remnants of Chlorine from the water, although the name is equal to the old variant.

ADA Brighty K ADA Green Brighty Neutral K
Green Brighty K Green Brighty Neutral K

The importance of Nitrogen for the growth of aquarium plants

To nitrogen of all the nutrients the biggest question in the aquarium. Speed of plant growth and development of leaf colour are highly dependent on the amount of nitrogen that is present. In a Nature Aquarium is the nitrogen applied through Power Sand, Aqua Soil and vissenpoep and is rarely in sufficient degree to be present during the start-up phase of the aquarium. Adding additional nitrogen can, however, boost plant growth. On the other hand, in an aquarium of more than one year old or less visbezetting in proportion to the amount of plants, there may be a shortage, which causes plants show symptoms of reduced growth and faded leaf color.

Conventional Green Brighty Special Lights and Shade can be the cause of alggroei by the presence of phosphate. In contrast, the new Green Brighty Nitrogen, that Nitrogen in an easily assimilable form, the chance of alggroei much smaller as long as it is dosed in the right amount.

In addition to the normal use by direct administration in the aquarium, Green Brighty Nitrogen directly on the Aqua Soil will be sprayed during the setup of the aquarium. This method is only suitable for soil-type substrates in which the Nitrogen can record. This can be a drastic boost to be achieved in the growth of many aquarium plants. For example, for voorgrondplanten that are sensitive to Nitrogen presence in the substrate such as Glossostigma. Standard spray amount of Green Brighty Nitrogen is 50ml for 30x30cm substrate. Let the after the spray about 15-30 minutes.

ADA Green Brighty Nitrogen Spraying Nitrogen
Green Brighty Nitrogen Spray Green Brighty Nitrogen on the substrate (aquarium setup)

Add Phosphate to the aquarium is a knife that is two edged sword

Of all the nutrients react aquarium plants is the most phosphate. However, phosphate algae growth in the hand is work when it is only to a small extent is possible to overdose. That is the reason why the line-up of Green Brighty Series is phosphate-free. Nature Aquarium provides the fosfaatbehoefte by the Power Sand in the substrate, so that there is not much released in the water. Fortunately absorbs Aqua Soil phosphate is due to the properties of the material and remains the most phosphate in the substrate is stored. Once the substrate surface is volbegroeid with plants will be the phosphate from the substrate is leaking, immediately be absorbed by the plants and the phosphate in the water on hitting. By this situation, to maintain even the phosphate that is released from vissenpoep or not eaten fish food can be directly absorbed by the leaves of plants. Algae growth is prevented. In the event there is still a alguitbraak is caused by a lot of fish or fish food, there may be Aqua Conditioner Clear Water be used as a solution. Clear Water absorbs phosphate and prevents algae growth. The phosphate content as low as possible is the key to maintaining a beautiful planted aquarium.

Importance of daily administration of liquid plant food

In the base are liquid fertilizers added daily in a Nature Aquarium. Although many plants do not quickly reverse it will go through the do not use liquid fertilizer, they will have a big advantage in the leaves.

The recommended combination of the new plant food for everyday use in any case 1) Green Brighty K or Green Brighty Neutral K to potassium fertilizing. Together with 2) Green Brighty Mineral for trace elements to add. (for aquaria with the standard substrate Power Sand and Aqua Soil). Green Brighty Mineral is in accordance with Green Brighty STEP-1 of the previous series and contains a balanced amount of trace elements that are necessary for a healthy development, such as iron, sulphur, manganese. (The concentrations are different than STEP 1).

An important issue is to always trace to serve that are necessary for aquarium plants, even in low concentrations. Trace elements that are administered to the aquarium water are rapidly absorbed the surface of the leaves. But when there are many trace elements to be administered in one time, bind them with other substances or be absorbed by the filter media and become eventually useless. Therefore, it is the daily administering of the right amount of trace elements is most effective.

When aquarium plants will grow and develop in an aquarium after two to three months after the setup, then add Green Brighty Iron to the above combinations. There is by planting a lot of demand for iron and is essential for good plant growth and deepening of coloured leaves (especially for red stengelplanten). Note that Green Brighty Iron is specially developed for iron fertilization. It has an improved effect when it is applied with Green Brighty Mineral. When the aquarium six months to a year old, there will be less nitrogen present in the substrate. It is from this period recommended Green Brighty Nitrogen to add along with the other nutrients for a healthy plant growth to maintain for a long period of time.

ADA Green Brighty Mineral ADA Green BrightyIron
Green Brighty Mineral Green Brighty Iron