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Information brochures:

- ADA CO2 system.pdf
- ADA plant food.pdf
- ADA Filter system.pdf
- ADA Lighting system.pdf
- ADA Substrate system.pdf

ADA guide:

Aqua Design Amano offers a nutritious soil for a excellent growth of aquarium plants. In this article the structure of the substrate and the fertilizer to be further explained.

Power Sand

The bottom layer of the substrate consists of Power Sand. This consists of very porous volcanic rock, nutrients and peat.

The ADA Power Sand has 3 important properties for your aquarium:

  • It makes for a good water circulation in the substrate.
  • It promotes oxygen transport in the root zone.
  • It offers optimal conditions for the housing of beneficial bacteria and micro-organisms.


Aqua Soil

The nutrient-rich ADA Aqua Soil is made from the natural earth, which is rich in macro - and Micro nutrients. Aqua Soil is available in 3 different types. Amazonia, Africana and Malaya.

The Aqua Soils differ not only in color but also in degree of nutritional value.

Aqua Soils should not be pre-rinsed!
Aqua Soils should not be regularly removed!

Because the Aqua Soil , the water hardness reduces and the water more acidic, we recommend a mixture of tap water with reverse osmosis water. The aim should be to have a KH value of 3-4 and a GH of 6-8. The pH and KH lowering properties of the Aqua Soil work just 1-2 months. Then keep the zurende properties only in the substrate, so that the aquarium plants very well can grow.

 ADA Aqua Soil AmazoniaADA Aqua Soil MalayaADA Aqua Soil Africana

When in the aquarium the effect of the active nutrients from the Aqua Soil has been lost (after approximately 24 months, depending on the plant species and the number of aquarium plants), it is advisable to take nutrients in the form of sticks to add to the plant roots. These sticks will slowly and steadily the nutrients available to the roots of the aquarium plants.
For this purpose are 2 types of voedingssticks available: Iron Bottom contains macro - and micronutrients, and the soil fertilization is especially rich in iron. Multi Bottom also contains macro - and micronutrients and contains, besides Iron, also Manganese, Copper, Zinc, Molybdenum and Boron.

The sticks must be deep in the substrate can be made, so that they are approximately 2-3 cm under the plant roots. One nutrient stick for plantenbemesting is suitable for a surface of 15x15 cm.

ADA Multi Bottom sticks - plaatselijke bemesting aquariumplantenADA Iron Bottom sticks - plaatselijke bemesting aquariumplanten 

The construction of the ADA substrate system is as follows:

The bottom layer of the substrate consists of Power Sand. This is evenly spread over the bottom of the aquarium to a height of 1-2 cm. A 2-litre bag is sufficient for a surface area of about 40x40 cm. To the Power Sand Special is already a quantity of ADA Bacter100 and ADA Clear Super added.


Opbouw van de bodem van het aquarium met voedingsbodemOpbouw van de bodem van het aquarium met voedingsbodem

Bacter100 is now evenly over the Power Sand divided. 2 teaspoons per 40x40 cm soil surface is sufficient. For a quick colonization of the substrate by beneficial bacteria to a fast efcient ammonia removal to achieve this, we recommend Clear Super . There are 2 teaspoons sufficient for 40x40 cm. For a fast and optimal growth of the roots to stimulate we recommend Tourmaline BC . There are 2 teaspoons for 40x40 cm is sufficient.

Opbouw van de bodem van het aquarium met voedingsbodemOpbouw van de bodem van het aquarium met voedingsbodemOpbouw van de bodem van het aquarium met voedingsbodem

Then everything is covered with Aqua Soil. To the front of the aquarium is the Aqua Soil about 4-6cm high. At the back, a layer of 12-15cm high. By the substrate at an angle to get a better depth effect is obtained. A 9 Liter bag is enough for a bottom surface of 45x45 cm.

If you want to, you can use a Layout to make use of decorative sand from ADA. This can be perfectly used at the front of the aquarium and gives extra contrast. A 8 kg bag is sufficient for a surface of 45x45cm.

Aanbrengen van het substraat bij het inrichten van het aquariumAanbrengen van het substraat bij het inrichten van het aquariumAanbrengen van het substraat bij het inrichten van het aquariumAanbrengen van het substraat bij het inrichten van het aquarium

After the substrate is built up can be started with the application and positioning of the hardscape (roots and rocks) in the tank. Then the tank with a small layer of water to be filled. Be very careful, the water can be up to several inches are inserted, whereby it is prevented that the substrate opdwarrelt or in the same source mixes. To make the plants use to be made of a fine pair of tweezers, so that the layer of substrate is not damaged.

ADA Bacter100 ADA Clear Super ADA Tourmaline BC


The base fertilization for aquarium plants from ADA:

Brighty K, or Neutral K is administered daily as a base fertilization of aquarium plants. The dosage is 1ml (1 pump) per 20 litres of aquarium water.

Brighty K Neutral K

The dosage is daily 1 ml (1 pump) per 20 litres of aquarium water.
Green Brighty Mineral forms the basis for administration of trace elements.
Green Brighty Iron is needed administered as an additional source of iron.


ADA Green Brighty MineralADA Green Brighty Iron


ECA is a fertilizer that consists of chelated iron and organic acids. It is essential for a wonderful growth and promotes the natural colour of aquarium plants.
The dosage of the ECA may not exceed 1 drop per 20 gallons of water and needs to be administered every day. For transparent or yellowed leaves (chlorosis), the dose should be increase to 2 drops per 5 liters of aquarium water.


ADA ECA - ijzerbemesting voor aquariumplantenADA Green Bacter - bevordert de de groei van nuttige bacteriën in het aquariumADA Green Gain - verbetert de groei van aquariumplantenADA Phyton Git - preventie van ziektes bij aquariumplanten en middel tegen blauwalg


The Special liquid plantenbemesting Green Brighty Nitrogen to be used in aquariums with where additional need for Nitrogen.

The dosage is 7 times per week, 1ml (1 pump) per 20 litres of aquarium water. The special fertilizers are administered, in addition to the existing method.


ADA Green Brighty Nitrogen

These products can be used in all aquariums to which aquarium plants are to be found:

During the first three weeks after the aquarium setup, only Brighty K and Green Bacter daily added. Brighty K is 1ml (1pomp) per 20 L aquarium water added and Green Bacter with 1 drop per 10 Litre.
In the first week, it is also important to many large waterverversingen to do. (30-80% every 2-4 days or every day 30%). The Aqua Soil contains a lot of Nitrogen(N) and by the absence of bacteria creates Nitrite (NO2 - =toxic) which is not yet converted to Nitrate (NO3=not toxic). After about three weeks, when the Nitrite levels of under 0.2 mg/L, you need to make sure that there are “algae eaters” are inserted (for Example, Otocinclus affinis, Siamese siamensis or Caridina japonica). Any formation of algae is directly by these animals held in the hand.

The dosage of Green Bacter can be reduced to 1 drop per 10 litres of water per week. Green Gain has to be added after a waterwissel. After this initial start-up period can the fertilizer be extended with the add of ECA and Green Brighty Mineral as long as no algae have formed. The dosage will be the overall impression and the colour intensity of the aquarium plants well in the holes. Green Brighty Mineral may over time be complemented with Green Brighty Iron according to the aquarium is older and the plants more feel the need to iron. ECA is also administered daily with a dosage of 1 drop per 20L of aquarium water. The dosage of the ECA can be increase to 2 drops per 5L of aquarium water, as aquarium plants look yellow or clear.

The plantenbemesting with Brighty K is continuously made, because Potassium is an essential Macro-element for support of photosynthesis in aquarium plants. In aquaria with plants that grow quickly and, therefore, a high metabolism and a lot of light use, Green Brighty Nitrogen with a dosage of 1ml per 20L, three times per week administered. The dosage is adaptable to the needs of the plants. Especially in aquariums where relatively few fish are present, there is often a shortage of Nitrogen and should be bijgemest.

Because the Aqua Soil is the pH, GH and KH to dramatically reduce, it is very important during the start-up phase to change with (somewhat harder) tap water to refresh. The Aqua Soil acts as a cat-ion exchanger and bind carbonates, calcium, magnesium, and many other cations in the substrate. This operation takes time, because the Aqua Soil is saturated with these nutrients. Suitable water has a KH of 3-4 and a GH of 6-8. Water with a higher hardness will also, but one should be aware of it, that the debasing characteristics of the Soil not permanently so greatly will have an impact on the water chemistry. When hard water is used the Aqua Soil will not be able to make the KH and GH permanently lowering. Therefore, the use of a reverse osmosis device the water by means of waterverversingen to the optimal values. (KH 3-4, GH 6-8)

The aquarium plants will be between 10 and 20 days should be pruned. (depending on the growth and species of plant). One must refrain from the tearing or breaking of the stems. Also will the plants do not root out the substrate to be drawn, because the carefully constructed substraatlagen in this way by the war. If you have plants again want to convert, then cut the stalks down and turn it using a pair of tweezers in the substrate. After the pruning of the aquarium plants can Green Gain can be added with a dosage of 2-3 drops per 10 Litres of aquarium water for about 3 days. This will allow aquarium plants to quickly recover from the stress that is caused during the cutting will be fast and powerful to develop.


CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the aquarium
This essential nutrient for aquarium plants should be with some caution needs to be used. In the first 2-3 weeks after the establishment of a well-planted aquarium will be 1-2 call per second per 100 litres of aquarium water administered. Afterwards, the dosage can be increase to 3-4 bubbles per second. The best way to reduce CO2 in the aquarium to bring in with the help of a CO2 diffuser. This ensures that the CO2 bubbles effectively in the water-soluble and easy aquarium plants are included. A CO2 bubble counter is important to the administered amount of CO2 to arrange and set-up. CO2 is only administered if the light in the aquarium.


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