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Why choose ADA (Aqua Design Amano) Nature Aquarium Goods?

ADA Nature Aquarium Gallery

"To know Mother Nature is to love her smallest creations. We create the natural eco-system in our aquarium, which leads to a better understanding of the global environment."

All ADA Nature Aquarium Goods are develloped on years of experience with the production and progessing of many Nature Aquarium. All experiences made by ADA in the past decades are implemented in the performance and design of the products. That is the reason why users experience the "ADA feeling" in the Nature Aquarium Goods of ADA. A simple design where everything unnessesary is taken out, wich is one of the main characteristics, makes the Nature Aquarium truly stand out and looks more appealing. Hopefully more people will care about nature with the help of a Nature Aquarium. This sincere message is traced back to all Nature Aquarium Goods.

- "one who cannot love her smallest creations cannot claim to stand before nature" - Takashi Amano

How ADA is established:

ADA_chronology deel1.pdf
ADA_chronology deel2.pdf
ADA_chronology deel3.pdf

The power of "handmade"

In the past years where owning a Nature Aquarium is populair by aquarium enthousiasts all over the world, there are aquarium stores with a large range of aquarium products. The most products are cheap, affordable plastic items. Plastic products are a symbol of mass production and mass consumption. The feeling of plastic (throw away) materials is in contrast with the natural, delicate feeling of a Nature Aquarium.  ADA hopes the users of Nature Aquarium Goods share this thought and will use products that are made for long term use. That is the reason why ADA has been focusing on "hand-made" products since the beginning. Glass and stainless steel products, wich are carefully manufactured by the most skillfull craftsmen. They give a warm, good feeling to the hand-made products. Glass products for instance, has the same clarity as water and has nice curves. No seems as in plastic where malls are used. The round form and subtle bends are made by the craftsman! When we take a closer look at the glassware, we see every piece is uniek and has a slightly different shape. This difference is not the result of rough treatment, but the result of slighty different forces applied by the bending or glasblowing process. This characteristic gives the products its unique look & feel that no other plastic product can achieve. In the end the thoughts of the user and the characteristics of the hand-made products will be the only logical choice possible for a long term usage. In this consumption society full of "throw-away" products, we should cherisch the values of products that can be used for many years.

CO2 System

For photosynthesis aquatic plants require CO2. CO2 in the aquarium helps aquatic plants with their growth and will look more appealing. We can witness the process of photosynthesis through the production of oxygen, generated by assimilating aquarium plants. The Nature Aquarium Goods CO2 Diffusors are made to dissolve CO2 perfectly in the aquarium water.

Filter System
Like the heart of the Nature Aquarium, the filter is the most important part to keep the aquarium clean. A large capacity with a large amount of filtermedia make sure that bacteria can do their job to make the water clean and fresh. Bacteria are seen as the most important organisms for purifying the aquarium water.

The Aquarium
ADA Cube Gardens are made of glass with very high clarity. They are glued together by skillful craftsmen, with minimum amounts of silicon glue. The bindings are strong enough, but are nearly invisible. The Cube Gardens are carefully produced and the expected beauty is unquestionable.

The Layout and maintenance tools
With each step in setting up and maintaining of an aquascape, the right tools are required. The tools of ADA are developped based on years of experience and provide tools for different types of jobs. The ease of use, performance and design are a pleasure to work with. Hand-made and made for years of service.

Simple is best
To get the most out of your Nature Aquarium, ADA has chosen glass and stainless steel as the most important materials for their products. A search is done to materials with the same clarity as water and with elegant shapes. Also for the stainless steel products is searched for a compound that ensures a long life span. With both types all what is not needed is left out.

Substrate System
The Substrate is an important place where aquarium plants spread out their roots. On of the parts that play an important role, are bacteria. Bacteria break down organic materials that accumulate in the substrate. These will eventually be absorbed and serve as nutrients for aquatic plants. A substrate that is rich in nutrients and where lots of activity takes place by bacteria is really an ideal environment.

Plant fertilizer
An adequate addition of liquid nutrients is essential to surface the beauty of every aquatic plant. Daily dosing of Potassicum and trace elements is very important, because there is easily a shortage in a planted aquarium. ADA's unique STEP system helps with the optimal development and will make your aquarium flourish.

Water quality is an important subject regarding fishkeeping. To maintain a good water quality, it is important to feed with a good type of fish food wich is rich in nutrients and is easily absorbed. As an addition it is recommended to check the water parameters regularly. You can make use of ADA products to further improve the environment in the aquarium.

Learn more from nature

In a Nature Aquarium a small, naturally ecosystem is formed. This microflora is formed by the interaction between aquatic plants, fish and micro-organisms. The laws of nature apply to the Nature Aquarium. Learning from nature describes to observe the beauty of nature and implement this in your aquarium. We can observe a landscape of a coastline with rocks. These images and information of natural positions and balance we can save in our minds. De gathered images can be translated in an Iwagumi layout. In every aspect the Nature Aquarium gets it's inspiration from nature and tries to reproduce the beauty. It is truly a miniature piece of nature with the expression of universal beauty.

View the Let's Start with A product guide:


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